Fuse pulls off fashionable affair at Silo Park in Auckland for Heart of the City

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BLC Launch (5 of 139).jpgHeart of the City launched “Fashion in the BIG little City” on Tuesday 19 February inside the six iconic Silos in Silo Park, Auckland, managed and hosted by Fuse.

Eleven fashion designers from Auckland’s central city displayed colourful, creative installations to key fashion media and bloggers on their latest and greatest trends and garments for 2013.

BLC Launch (7 of 139).jpgThe event included live models from high-end fashion label, taylor to a full street scene from much-loved label Moochi. With Akarua punch being served alongside up-and-coming caterers Little Wolf, guests were entertained by the popular U Live host and George FM DJ, Tim Lambourne.

Says Jane Stewart from Heart of the BLC Launch (14 of 139).jpgCity: “Media events are a critical component of our public relations strategy and are designed to provide engagement with the media a platform for spring boarding coverage. The fashion event from Fuse certainly provided both.”

Media were well looked after with goodie bags including beautiful BLC Launch (136 of 139).jpgproducts from Forme Spa, Briarwood, Moochi, RJB, OFF Wax, Les Mills, Strangely Normal, Storm, Perrier, Presence and Triumph & Disaster.

Fuse PR work across all Heart of the City’s event-based campaigns and specialise in creating bespoke media events across their key marketing pillars, BLC Launch (4 of 139).jpgwhich include “Fashion in the BIG little City”, Auckland Restaurant Month and Christmas in the BIG little City.