News Works NZ announces the Agency League – new format for Newspaper Ad of the Month comp
News Works NZ has announced the Agency League, a new format for the Newspaper Ad of the Month competition.
Winners of Ad of the Month will still receive $250, but they’ll also pick up points for their agency, which will go towards the league table, with the overall winners receiving what is believed to be advertising’s largest trophy, and a celebratory open top bus tour around all the agencies in their town.
A monthly win is worth 5 points, and judges will also be able to award bonus points to other ads for anything they like, be it great copy, art direction, topicality, or even use of goats.
The inaugural competition will begin this month, and run for 12 months. All agencies will start on zero points, with the initial league table (pictured) made up of Ad of the Month winning agencies from the last 5 years. Any other agency that picks up points will automatically join the table.
“We are excited about this new format and hope it will fire creative imaginations. With the space to craft copy, topics to inspire and dedicated readers to listen, newspapers can provide an amazing environment for advertisers”.
For more information on the league or to enter this month’s round, visit