CanTeen launches new campaign ahead of its 2013 Bandanna Challenge via M&C Saatchi NZ

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canteen.jpgThere are worse things than cancer. This is the message charity organisation CanTeen is delivering via TV, radio, print, street poster and online as part of their 2013 Bandanna Challenge fundraising exercise via M&C Saatchi NZ.

This confronting message highlights that there are in fact things worse than cancer, like going through it alone.

The campaign features six young people affected by cancer, two patient members, two sibling members and two bereaved sibling members, each telling their heartfelt story of their cancer journey. They talk about how cancer has impacted their lives and the role CanTeen has played in supporting them.


Says Kimberley Waters, National marketing manager, CanTeen: “The campaign highlights the different types of members CanTeen has and the role we play in supporting them and helping them support each other. It highlights the importance we play in helping young people during this horrible time and the importance of donations to help us do so.”


Says Dave King of M&C Saatchi: “You think things don’t get much worse than cancer. But Wicky and Frances hit on the truth that going through cancer alone would be even worse. Without CanTeen, this is something these young people could potentially face, hence the need for donations to provide this ongoing support.”


The spots were directed by Tammy Davis of Curious Films while the track ‘Crosses’ was provided by Swedish artist Jose Gonzalez.


Says King: “Tammy was the perfect person for this. While he’s known for being bloody funny, he’s also a deeply caring and sensitive guy who provided an environment where the CanTeeners were comfortable telling their stories. He also suggested ‘Crosses’ as the track. The fact Jose Gonzalez let us use it is just brilliant.”


To make a donation to CanTeen and ensure sure no young person will go through cancer alone, visit


Client – CanTeen

Kimberley Waters – National Marketing Manager

Travis Logan – Marketing Communications Executive

Agency – M&C Saatchi

Dave King – ECD/Joint CEO

Wicky Tafau – Creative

Frances Cooke – Creative

Lou Devine – General Manager

Jodie Hari – TV Producer

Shane Kelley – Designer

Di Gifkins – Designer

Production Company – Curious Films

Tammy Davis – Director

Dan Higgins – Producer

Stu Giles – Producer

Chris Mauger – DOP

Richard Shaw – Editor (freelancer)

Pete Richie – Colourist (Blockhead)


Troy Goodall – Photographer – IDC

Charlotte Cull – Producer – IDC

Michele Richards – Producer – IDC


Song – Crosses by Jose Gonzalez – Writer/Artist

Franklin Rd – Music Licence

Envy Studios – Final Audio Mixes