Neurological Foundation of NZ spreads ‘True Love’ Valentine’s Day message via DraftFCB

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NEUROLOGICAL-1.jpgWhat comes to mind when you think of Valentine’s Day? The heart. And because of that, many people believe that’s where love comes from.

So this Valentine’s Day DraftFCB Auckland wanted to tell people the truth. By subverting the usual Valentine’s messages, and turning cliches on their head, the campaign attempts to catch people off guard and told them where true love really comes from a chemical response in the brain.

The agency got the message out there that people need to look after their brain, so that they can love their loved ones longer, while emphasising the importance of The Neurological Foundation’s work.

The campaign has been showcased across print and online banners over a week, and Valentine’s Day cards and brain bouquets were delivered to media on Valentine’s Day.