Spid Pye selected for the next Lürzer’s Archive – 200 Best Ad Photographers 20/21 Annual

No one quite knows what Spid means, but it’s a name that’s been heard alongside some of the biggest in the industry.
Spid Pye has been selected for the next Lürzer’s Archive – 200 Best Ad Photographers 20/21 Annual. In the last 12 months he’s also had 2 Honourable mentions in Lens Culture’s street photography awards, and was a finalist in Communications Arts photography annual in the advertising category.
You can find some of his latest work in Campaign Brief’s The Work 2019. As you can see it’s been a busy year for Spid with commercial work, but he’s still managed to find the time to develop his art. Take a peek and find out more about what Spid really means – http://www.spid.co.nz/news/lurzers-archive-200-best-adphotographers-20/21-annual
1 Comment
Nice one bro.