Bestads Six of the Best Reviewed by Ben Tollett, Group ECD, adam&eveDDB, London

Each week Bestads picks the very best advertising in the world, in every medium – which is reviewed by a top creative director or team to select their own personal favourites.
This week’s guest judge is Ben Tollett, group ECD at adam&eveDDB, London.
Winner: Libresse ‘Wombstories‘. As a womb-less guy who goes faint at the sight of blood and red at the thought of discussing sex, I feel particularly ill-equipped to review this spot. But here goes. The thing that struck me most was just how amazingly awkward this ad made me feel. It’s packed with stuff nobody has dared talk about in advertising before and offers insights into some incredibly intimate experiences. It’s breaking new ground for sure. And not just in its subject matter, but in its craft. This film waves goodbye to linear story-telling and says hello to multi-media, multiple stories and a multitude of brilliantly colliding emotions. A worthy follow-up to Viva la Vulva which proves that ads for sanitary towels can be radically different. More than that, it shows that film advertising can be a whole different beast too. Continue reading on…