Paul Catmur chats with Shane Bradnick and Mark Kilgour & Huw O’Connor on ‘Truth & Soul Inc’

Advertising podcast ‘Truth & Soul‘, created by Paul Catmur, has some excellent new episodes to help keep the industry involved with the characters in around New Zealand advertising.
This is excellent timing with many people having to head back into work with the Covid restrictions easing. Make good use of your commute by listening, being (mildly) entertained and maybe learning some things along the way (like how not to interview people for a podcast, for example).
There’s an episode with TBWA Auckland ECD Shane Bradnick. Originally from Zimbabwe, Bradnick has won a ton of awards and worked in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. He talks about the differences between the markets, how he managed to get started in the business and gives some great tips on being a creative director.
There’s slightly different tack when Catmur talks to Mark Kilgour and Huw O’Connor from the University of Waikato. Kilgour and O’connor have studied creatives all over the world and Catmur thinks listeners will be fascinated by what they have to say about how creative minds work and how to get the best out of them. They also look into the big question, can anyone be creative?
Says Catmur: “We started talking about entrepreneurs too and carried on gassing so long that we actually split the episode into two.
“Also, just in case you’re one of the few that missed it, make sure you check out the recent podcast with Marty O’Halloran CEO of DDB Worldwide. Invaluable if you want to know how to run an agency. If only I’d listened harder myself.”