Hell Pizza challenges Kiwis to see through the disguise in latest campaign via Yarn

HELL has just introduced the new Impossible Burger Pizza to its menu, featuring plant-based beef from the world-famous US brand, Impossible Foods. To prove just how unbelievably meaty it is, creative indie agency Yarn has developed the ‘Impossible Burger Pizza Challenge’ that tests whether people can see through the meaty disguise and guess if their pizza has been topped with real beef or the new plant-based Impossible Beef.
Says Siang Tay, marketing manager for HELL: “As the alternative meat market continues to grow, products like Impossible continue to up the game in providing something that tastes like the real deal.
“If they can’t tell the difference, then maybe it’s time they considered choosing a meat-free alternative more regularly. The planet will thank them for it.”
Says Matt Sellars and Rich Robson, creative partners at Yarn: “Plenty of campaigns have played in the space of telling people they won’t know the difference between beef and meat substitutes, but usually don’t live up to the promise. So it’s great to give Kiwis a fun way to really put their meaty taste buds to the test.”

After a few days, only 67% of participants have correctly guessed real beef from the plant-based beef, proving just how much of a disguise the new Impossible product really is.
The campaign is supported by a series of billboards, radio and digital ads, which are also humorously disguised as some of the country’s most well known brands. Well, for now at least.
Client: HELL Pizza
CEO: Ben Cumming
Founder: Callum Davies
Marketing Manager: Siang Tay
Creative / Production Agency: Yarn
Managing Partner: Heath Davy
Creative Partners: Rich Robson & Matt Sellars
Creatives: Luke Roxburgh & Robyn Ramsay
Designer: Ben Bartels, Caroline Wilkie
Retoucher: Denny Monk
Web Developer: Wild Labs
Sound: Radiate Studios
Outdoor Media: Lumo
PR Agency: Thorn PR – Jacinda Thorn, Sadie Beckman

Cool, engaging idea that gets people actually reconsidering. I like. Reminds me on Hell in its prime eg Spicy pizza Roulette thing
But OOH is confusing and feels to tangental to the actual idea.
This is brilliant
isn’t this exactly what Burger King when they launched the Impossible Whopper in the States?
There’s an awful lot going on here.
Heard these on the radio. Made me laugh.
No one outside of this thread would know what is going on.