PRINZ shows the future of public relations in newly launched social campaign

From alien leaders to AI, VR-living to sentient cars, a new campaign from the Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ), which launches this week, addresses some of the potential, and potentially outlandish, communication challenges public relations practitioners may face in the future.
The campaign was created by recent Media Design School graduates, Phoebe Rooney and Georgia Henare, who are now junior creatives at DDB.
Sporting the end line, “The future is weird. PRINZ has your back,” there are five iterations of the campaign including the co-leader of Mars, the AI 3D Instagram influencer, a Chatbot VR stripper, a sentient, self-driving race car and Zuckerberg’s Metaverse.
The social media campaign is designed to remind PR and communications professionals of the benefits of belonging to the national organisation, by shining a spotlight on some of the demands of the future.
PRINZ CEO, Susanne Martin, says the campaign is designed to show PR and communications people that PRINZ is there to equip its members with all the resources they’ll need to face a potentially unpredictable and weird future: “We’re inviting PR and comms professionals to join our organisation so we can help them navigate the changing landscape of our sector, and benefit from the cross fertilisation of ideas and experiences that networking with like-minded colleagues provides.
Inspired by the impact ChatGPT and AI is having on media and communications already, the campaign invites people to sign up to PRINZ, and get access to everything from industry research and insights, courses on core and future-facing PR topics, Global Alliance resources and meet-ups with real PR people.
Says Martin: “PR people need to be prepared to support their clients and organisations with whatever the future throws at all of us, and PRINZ can help them. In fact, a symposium later this month focuses on ChatGPT and AI, to enhance our members’ education on these tools.
“We’re keen to grab the attention of our existing and potential members and reinforce that as an organisation, we are evolving alongside the rapid changes in the communications sector. PRINZ has got our members’ backs and will help them navigate the future with success.”
1 Comment
Amazing work here ladies. You are two stellar chicks.