Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency launches new ‘Would you rather?’ campaign via FCB Aotearoa
FCB’s latest collaboration with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and MBM aims to reframe the consequences of drinking and driving to be more realistic, but no less emotionally impactful.
Strategically based on the central truth that if physically crashing or getting caught isn’t enough of a disincentive to drinking and driving, then there is a need to convey a more personal and socially discouraging message.
Many people believe (and when asked, state) that they would never drive ‘drunk’, but yet, still drive in an impaired state after drinking over the legal limit.
Says Lauren Cooke, national manager education and marketing at Waka Kotahi: “We need to shift the attitudes and behaviours of our ‘drink drivers’ so that they see themselves in the same way as they see ‘drunk drivers’. This new campaign platform ‘There’s more to lose than your licence’ asks New Zealanders to consider a range of different consequences and the impact these might have on their social group, their loved ones and their whānau.
“While the message to not drink and drive is widely acknowledged and accepted, drivers are still willing to take the chance and we continue to see alcohol impairment as a significant problem in our crash statistics. This is despite lower alcohol limits, tougher penalties and long-lasting marketing campaigns. Building on the traditional approach used in our most recent drink driving campaigns, this campaign seeks to shift the perceptions and behaviours of New Zealanders who still think it is acceptable to drink and then drive.”
Says Peter Vegas and Leisa Wall, co CCO’s of FCB: “Attacking the drink driving behaviour in our country is never easy but trying to come at it from a new angle without showing a car crash will make people feel differently and, hopefully, a little uncomfortable.”
This latest work is part of the Government’s Road to Zero strategy, delivered by Waka Kotahi and guided by the Safe System approach, which remains the international gold standard in road safety. It recognises that whilst mistakes are inevitable, deaths and serious injuries from crashes are not, and seeks to create a safe and forgiving transport system that makes the safety of people a priority.

Client: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Agency: FCB Aotearoa
Media Agency: MBM
Production Company: Exit Films
Director: Gaysorn Thavat
Executive Producer: Declan Cahill
Associate Producer: James Watson
Casting: Bullock/Mullane Casting 2023
DOP: Maria Ines Manchego
Offline editor: Cushla Dillon
Colourist: Ben Eagleton
Online: Stefan Coory / Blockhead
Sound Design & Mix: Craig Matuschka / Liquid
Music Composer: Karl Steven
Photographer: Michael Braid
Bold spot. Works well due to those amazing performances. Well done all involved.
Stunning mahi, Gaysorn, Declan, James, Mim & Cush!
This ain’t it team. NZ won’t buy into this.
Spend the money on fixing roads
WAKA KOTAHI get on with your real job and make the ROADS safe for road users …leave the law-breakers to the law officers to deal with and the court judges to administer the punishment.
Agree. To much budget on ads, not enough bringing roads up to minimum standard. This ad def comes across as a whinging female destroying a good fun group after dinner, by embarrassing her man in front of everyone. Too much of this slready in our society. Would the reception be different if he was bagging her in frontbof their friends?
Spend more money on maintaining the roads then on marketing.
That didn’t work.
Kinda getting over government preachy ads like this.
Social shaming is a change of tack in an upwind battle.
I think coming at this problem from a different angle is a great idea. Although, what about all the dickheads on their phones while driving?
Yeah G Mase!
Yeah G Tarno!
This isn’t what they think it is. Fix the public transport system, make fares cheaper, make it accessible. All I see is Deirdre Downer having a moan about a non-event.
So, potholes, public transport. Not downer ads and bilingual road signs.
Totally agree! Way to spoil a party! Fix the dsmn roads NZTA!!
Love this work! Beautiful execution. Lovely direction and performances by Gaysorn.
Bilingual signs will fix everything.
I really hope you’re being sarcastic. Because bilingual signs is a shit idea . Even worse than bilingual company names and government departments already are
Fix the roads and improve driver training. Dickheads driving while texting constantly and people people who fly through intersections with the lights on yellow, and arseholes who tailgate are just as big a problem. Attitude of drivers in this country is the biggest issue
Sorry about my boy. It’s been a tough week and he has a lot going on. ZB wont let him on air anymore so this is the only place he can blow off steam.
This is exactly why it has taken me 27 years to get that bottle of milk
I really like Grant. He’s right on all fronts. Keep going Grant.
Mum and Dad can you get off the blog. Grant’s locked himself in the loo again.
I’m all for anything that cuts the amount of drink driving, I live in an area that is particularly bad for it – largely due the the poor public transport links.
The only thing I’ve found fault with is the advert that states you’ll be denied entry into the U.S with a drink driving conviction which simply is not true.
Why lie about this? There’s no need to, there’s enough bad points about drink driving.
Untruths just undermine the entire message.
While I can see what they’re aiming at with ads such as ” an immortal mosquito or disappointing people, or naked time travel vs not going to the U.S. but I think they have missed the mark, in that they have completely dismissed how annoying mosquitoes are and how few people give a shit about U S.A. maybe try something like “Would you rather be the talk of the bitchy mums at the school gate or pay $70 for a taxi. Would you rather have to cook because you can’t drive or have the freedom to go grab fish n chips because you can’t be arsed with eating veggies.
Can someone please tell me the name of the actor who played the main guy in this TV ad ‘would you rather’