Bestads Six of the Best Reviewed by Dave Monk, Executive Creative Director, Publicis•Poke, London

Each week Bestads picks the very best advertising in the world, in every medium – which is reviewed by a top creative director or team to select their own personal favourites.
This week’s guest judge is Dave Monk, executive creative director, Publicis•Poke, London.
First of all, a massive congrats to anyone that makes it up here on bestadsontv. No mean feat. The whole world sees and loves this platform of weekly curiosity and it’s not easy being the week’s best. Hats, shoes and jackets all off to you all. However there has to be winners and losers in life, and here’s what I reckon was the best of the bestadsontvandradioandoutdoorandprintandinteractive.
I have to be honest, the TV category were a mostly slim pickings in terms of really really excellent work but thankfully when I saw the title Relax, It’s an iPhone ad, I did exactly that. An unquestionable winner. I think the whole industry is consistently thankful for the stellar raft of product demo ads oozing out of Apple HQ. Last year’s ‘Detectives’ was a particular favourite and of course I still can’t stop thinking about why Kim Gehrig’s ‘Greatest’ tour de force didn’t pick up the Grand Prix at Cannes. Anyway, back to today. The simplicity of the idea, the immaculate execution. The casting, the perfect music, which in samples alone, must have cost a small fortune, was nothing short of immaculate. Oh, and the fact that we don’t even need to know why it’s a pumpkin, it’s just perfect. READ ON…