‘Creators Aotearoa’ launches; connecting creative marketers with not-for-profits

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‘Creators Aotearoa’ launches; connecting creative marketers with not-for-profits

Creators Aotearoa has launched today, giving creative marketers a way to give back without giving a cent.


Inspired by her day-time job as brand lead at One NZ, working on One Good Kiwi gave Jane King insight into the difficulties not-for-profits face when it comes to effective marketing communications.

Similarly, surrounded by smart and creative marketers who aren’t regularly giving dollars to charities, Creators Aotearoa is a solution to both.

As King puts it: “Creators connect good people who, let’s be honest, aren’t so great at creative marketing with creative people who aren’t so great at giving.

“I consider myself lucky to work with so many charities in my day job, who are all doing so much good work. More often than not, a lot of these charities can get a little stuck with their marketing plans. Creators Aotearoa is a way to connect charities with creative minds and smart marketers who are wanting to share their skills for good.”

The platform aims to help empower charities and not-for-profits with creative marketing by hosting the marketing “Need” on creatorsaotearoa.com and inviting creative marketers – whether they’re in PR, marketing, strategy, art direction, copywriting, design, social, whatever – to respond.

With 10 charity needs listed to kick things off (and one already being ‘connected’ to a Creator within its few hours of launching), King hopes to inspire marketers with the platform to do good with their creativity.

Says Laura Casey from The Cake Detective charity: “This is AWESOME! Love how Jane is using her passion and network for good. We need more humans like her in the world. It is such a great idea because often it’s a where to start, who to talk to problem.”

The creative marketer simply browses the Needs then fills in a form before awaiting a full brief to arrive in their inbox.

Whilst the onus is on the not-for-profit and the marketer to make the magic truly happen, King hopes Creators Aotearoa will be the bridge the industry needs to make the worthy causes more creative and ultimately, more effective.

Says King: “It might simply be a social media post idea or providing longer term strategic thinking, there are so many ways those in the marketing industry can help a not-for-profit organisation. This new volunteering platform is all about connecting people and giving marketers the opportunity to help others.”

For more information head to: https://www.creatorsaotearoa.com/