Haven’t You Done Well Productions launches new commercial division

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Haven’t You Done Well Productions launches new commercial division

Aunty Donna’s production company Haven’t You Done Well has launched a commercial division with a roster of local and international directors.


Specialising in comedy, Haven’t You Done Well is best known for the Netflix series ‘Aunty Donna’s Big Ol House of Fun’ and the ABC series ‘Aunty Donna Coffee Cafe’. HYDW has seen a growing demand from the commercial space having produced branded content for Samsung, Playstation and Heineken, as well as TVCs for Coles and a global online campaign for Lego X Sega.

Says Aunty Donna: “We love making comedy almost as much as we love MAKING BANK. When we worked out people would pay us to make funny commercials, you best believe we started rubbing our thumbs over the tips of our index and middle fingers in the universal gesture for money.”

The recently revealed roster features international talent such as The Perlorians, JJ Adler and Emma Debany as well as local talent such as Aunty Donna’s Max Miller, FJORD, Jemma Cotter, and The Macfarlane Brothers.

Says Georgia Mappin, managing director and executive producer, Haven’t You Done Well: “We’re not only excited to work with some of the world’s best commercial directors, but also to nurture the next generation of Australia’s best comedy directors.”

Leading the department will be head of commercial, Tom Rickard. He recently returned from Scandinavia where he worked as EP at Giants & Toys as well as partner, EP and MD for the highly acclaimed production company HOBBY, best known for its brand of cinematic, odd-beat humour. Over the course of his career, Rickard has worked with some of the worlds’ leading comedy directors, production companies and agencies, and sees a great opportunity for HYWD.

Says Rickard: “Australia and New Zealand are currently pumping out world-class comedy scripts at a huge rate. So the timing couldn’t be better. We intend to sniff them out like the greedy little truffle pigs we are and turn them into world-class productions.”

For more information, visit www.haventyoudonewell.com or contact head of commercial Tom Rickard at tom.rickard@haventyoudonewell.com.