Special Launches ‘The Inclusive Code’ – A Progressive, New, Co-designed Tool to Accelerate Representation and Inclusivity in Advertising

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Special Launches ‘The Inclusive Code’ – A Progressive, New, Co-designed Tool to Accelerate Representation and Inclusivity in Advertising

A progressive tool, The Inclusive Code, designed to help reshape the New Zealand advertising industry in a co-designed collaboration led by Special. This tool aims to address the significant gap in inclusive advertising, starting with the disabled community.


With 25% of New Zealanders being disabled, the advertising landscape doesn’t currently reflect this reality. Despite $3.259 billion being spent on advertising in 2023, only 1% of primetime ads include the disabled community.

The Inclusive Code aims to help change that, challenging marketers to being thinking differently about disability, identifying and overcoming exclusionary practices that are often well-intentioned but problematic.

Says Tony Bradbourne, CEO and creative chairman at Special: “Great advertising can shape culture and perceptions. But many campaigns still miss a huge opportunity when it comes to disability representation, to help change those perceptions. There is a lot of potential for increased inclusivity in ad campaigns and hopefully The Inclusive Code will aid momentum in this area.”

The Inclusive Code was co-created over two years alongside eight experts with lived experience of disability and working in the marketing industry. Co-creators include disability advocates Grace Stratton, CEO of All is for All, and Fonoti Pati Umaga QSM, Co-Chair of Mana Pasefika Disabled Peoples Organisation.

Special Launches ‘The Inclusive Code’ – A Progressive, New, Co-designed Tool to Accelerate Representation and Inclusivity in Advertising

Stratton commented on the problematic portrayal of disability in media: “The representations of disability are becoming more common in advertising, but harmful stereotypes remain, and more support from practitioners is needed.

“By co-creating The Inclusive Code, we’re giving Kiwi businesses and organisations a tool to start breaking down their barriers to inclusion and connect with underserved communities. As a business owner who employs disabled people, I know this is only part of the journey toward equitable industry, but it is fantastic to keep things moving,” Stratton added.

Fonoti Pati Umaga QSM, co-chair of Mana Pasefika DPO (Disabled Peoples Organisation), comments: “Bringing the voice of disabled people to collaborate and co-design The Inclusive Code acknowledges the trust and commitment required between us and Special New Zealand to develop a fully inclusive resource for an industry that underserves our deaf and disabled communities.”

Says Bethany Omeri, head of strategy at Special: “We believe inclusivity isn’t just the right thing to do for society, it can magnify effectiveness. Consumers expect better visibility with only 75% of people thinking current levels are good enough. Research shows improved brand health and commercial outcomes when they embrace progressive advertising. And, of course, the spending power of underserved communities is significant. Inclusivity isn’t just a responsibility, it’s a major opportunity.”

Special Launches ‘The Inclusive Code’ – A Progressive, New, Co-designed Tool to Accelerate Representation and Inclusivity in Advertising

The Inclusive Code has been co-created, keeping disabled perspectives at the centre, and is built on, extensive research. It addresses common industry missteps, offering clear, actionable considerations. The first chapter, “Disability,” is just the beginning, with plans to expand the tool to include further chapters on Tāngata Whenua, Pacific Peoples, and LGBTQIA+ communities.

Rory Gallery, chief strategy officer at Special concludes: “Special is committed to contributing to a better industry. We know first-hand, changing default, but dated ways of working isn’t easy. We hope this tool will support ourselves and others to navigate that change. We’re grateful to The Collective for running alongside Special, sharing their wisdom, and teaching us so much along the way.”

The Inclusive Code was initiated by Special, with sector expertise from All is for All and digital support from New Territory, to support New Zealand businesses and organisations in building more meaningful, progressive advertising.

For more information on The Inclusive Code and how to get involved in shaping a more inclusive advertising landscape, visit https://the-inclusive-code.co.nz.

Special Strategy
Special Design
Special Wellington

• Fonoti Pati Umaga QSM
• Grace Stratton
• Hope Cotton
• Karen Pointon QSM
• Sean Prenter
• Shane McInroe
• Thomas Chin