The Work 2024 Contenders: Colenso BBDO
Campaign Brief recognises and showcases the great work that is being produced in the region with The Work 2024 Contenders. Here is Colenso BBDO’s Top 3…
Delivereasy: ‘Mouthville’, ‘Lawyers’
Colenso BBDO
At the start of 2023, Delivereasy was New Zealand’s best delivery app that only 1/3 of New Zealanders knew about. Our challenge was to get through to hungry humans in a market dominated by Uber Eats and their expensive celebrity endorsements. So we created Mouthville. An idyllic, stop-motion town set inside a human mouth, where 90% of the conversations are heavily branded. This unapologetic campaign sells all the reasons Delivereasy leaves a better taste in your mouth.
Kōpū O Te Rangi: Pikari Mai
Colenso BBDO
The royal coronation was the biggest media event of 2023. It was impossible to avoid. Everywhere you turned, local and international news peddled royal gossip on 24-hour rotation. Pīkari Mai is an online web browser tool that instantly replaces royal gossip, with indigenous content pulled from a range of news sources. The plug-in works by using a data scrape to automatically scan web pages for keywords and visuals relating to the royal family. It then switches this content out for indigenous articles, sourced from multiple indigenous publishers. The more articles the royal PR machine pushed, the more Māori voices Pīkari Mai elevated, weaponising the power of the Royal PR machine against itself. Pīkari Mai. The browser plug-in that unplugged the royals.
WHISKAS: Meowzer
Colenso BBDO
Everyone wants a dog. But people’s lives have changed in ways that don’t always align with responsible dog ownership. More than ever we’re living in apartments, giving up WFH, and loving the idealism of dog ownership, without the commitment. Search data reflects this, with people searching for impossibly low-maintenance dogs. The perfect dog doesn’t exist. So, WHISKAS created it – The Meowzer. A new breed of dog designed to get more cats adopted. By rebranding shelter cats as Meowzers, we showed the world that everything they’re looking for in a dog, can be answered by a cat.
The deadline for Campaign Brief’s The Work 2024 is Friday May 3. Entries are FREE with only an acceptance fee charged for those that make the cut. See full details and enter here… If your company has entered The Work and would like to showcase your Top 3, email