The Work 2024 Contenders: DDB Group Aotearoa
Campaign Brief recognises and showcases the great work that is being produced in the region with The Work 2024 Contenders. Here is DDB Group Aotearoa’s Top 3…

McDonald’s: Ad-Ons
DDB Group Aotearoa
Stand at the counter of any McDonald’s and you’ll hear a chorus of customers saying ‘aaaaaaaaaand aaaaa….’ as they stare up at the menu board and decide which little treat to add to their go-to order. Aaaaand, we like that.
So to encourage loads more of it, we joined forces with LUMO to hack a media space hiding in plain sight – that little purple screen at the bottom of every LUMO digital billboard that displays their logo.
Using McDonald’s sales data, we paired Kiwis’ big favourites – Big Macs, Quarter Pounders and the like – with all the little ones we love to add on at the counter – McFlurries, Soft Serves and Nuggets and streamed them throughout the network.

Volkswagen: The Greenprint
DDB Group Aotearoa
The kombi is an icon for progressiveness, driven by those who believed in a better world. But it’s still a petrol vehicle. So to help those who love their Kombi and the environment, Volkswagen created the Greenprint. An open source set of plans that anyone can use to turn their Kombi into an EV, in 20 easy-ish steps. We made an all in one kit available, or owners could source the parts themselves with our approved list, and not pay us a cent. An online hub housed further details about each step, along with user generated videos and FAQs – by the people, for the people in true VW spirit. Our website was also voice enabled – for those moments when people were stuck working under their cars with greasy hands.
And now we’re looking at Greenprints for the Golf and Beetle, so our brand can be an icon of progressiveness for an entirely new generation.

Samsung NZ: different.
DDB Group Aotearoa
Apple were always so… “different”. From the way they told us to think, to the way their products made us feel. But now, we live in a world where almost every single hand has an iPhone in it. What was once originality, is now conformity. It’s 1984 all over again.
So, Samsung launched their most unique phone to date, the new Galaxy Z Flip5, with a campaign about thinking different, inspired by conformity. A campaign that used Apple’s ideology against them. A campaign that invited people to think different once again by making the switch to Samsung.
The deadline for Campaign Brief’s The Work 2024 is Friday May 3. Entries are FREE with only an acceptance fee charged for those that make the cut. See full details and enter here… If your company has entered The Work and would like to showcase your Top 3, email