Comms Council launches 2025 Aotearoa Young Lions Competition proudly supported by Google; Entry deadline 5pm, Friday 7 February

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Comms Council launches 2025 Aotearoa Young Lions Competition proudly supported by Google; Entry deadline 5pm, Friday 7 February

The 2025 Aotearoa Young Lions Competition is now open for registrations. This year’s competition is proudly supported by Google.


The Young Lions Competition is undoubtedly the best competition for young talent across creative and media agencies, sending the winners of each category on an all-expenses paid trip to the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity in June to compete against country winners from across the world.

In addition to participating in the Global competition, local winners also receive a Festival Pass, enabling them to hear from creative leaders from across the world on the Festival stages.

This year, Comms Council is supporting two categories; Film and Media.

Entrants will receive a brief on February 12, and have 48 hours to deliver their response. Film category entrants will need to produce a 60 second film, while Media category entrants will be required to deliver a 10-slide strategy, built around a core creative media idea.

Says Simon Lendrum, CEO, Comms Council: “The Young Lions is the best competition for young creatives bar none. The opportunity to win a trip to compete in Cannes is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Not only do the winners get the chance to get global recognition, but they also get a festival pass to hear from the best speakers in the world.”

Registrations are now open for teams to enter. To be eligible to enter both team members must be 30 or under, born on or after 21 June 1995.

The deadline to enter the competition is Friday 7 February 5pm. Entrants will then be briefed together on 13 February.

To enter, please go to