Dubsat launches MediaPro: a free desktop application that provides users with a tapeless TVC asset management and dispatch service
Ina move that signals the first stage of an aggressive growth andexpansion plan, distributed advertising and media asset managementcompany Dubsat, an Omnilab media company, today announced the launch ofMediaPro, a Mac and PC desktop application that revolutionises theuploading, booking and dispatching of TVCs.
Grant Schuetrumpf,General Manager of Dubsat explained, “We spent a long time askingpeople in the market what would make their lives easier and moreconvenient when trying to upload, book and dispatch TVCs. We then tookall the research and developed MediaPro. As a result the wholeproduction process is now even easier and much more convenient. There’sno longer the need to set-up third party FTP applications with IPaddresses, names and passwords as the user can simply drag and drop aspot onto MediaPro and the uploading and ingest begins immediately.”
MediaPro instantly provides feedback as to how the file is uploading.Uniquely MediaPro accepts video and audio files individually or as asingle file then, along with an assigned clapper, ingests the fileswithin Dubsat to provide immediate online playback. Online tools arealso available within MediaPro allowing the user to check vision tosafe frame and audio levels against broadcast requirements. MediaPro isalso synchronised with the user’s mydubsat online web portal account toconnect with live booking and job estimation tools. TheMediaPro-uploaded TVC is then connected to its booking instruction andonce quality checked by Dubsat, sent on to the broadcaster’sdestination with the entire service paid directly and conveniently bycredit card.
Christopher Mapp, Managing Director of Omnilab Media said, “MediaPro isthe first of a series of efficient, tapeless, independent solutions wewill be launching in the coming months. It’s our champion in the worldof desktop services removing the need for tape and physical workflowsthrough Dubsat, giving maximum control to the clients at the highestlevel of quality while saving time and money through convenience andgreater efficiencies.”
MediaPro also broadens Dubsat’s network of destinations beyondtraditional broadcasters to now include digital display outdoornetworks, retail centres and online publishers. Dubsat have alsoexpanded their reach into Singapore, UK, Ireland and the USA.
Says Schuetrumpf: “MediaPro now means Dubsat has become morevirtual to get advertising to destinations across the globe morequickly and efficiently than ever before, from any desktop. The rightformats are delivered to the right destinations with the least amountof effort required by the user. There are no limits to destinationswhere TVCs can now be repurposed and delivered. MediaPro is a trueindustry first and it’s free to download for any registered Dubsatuser.”
Dubsat is the only Australasian based company to deliver TVCs directlywithin Australia and New Zealand without any third party handling ofmedia and is expanding its international destinations into a globalnetwork.