Director Kim Gunter joins RedYeti Films

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kim1.jpgAcclaimed Kiwi TVC and television director Kim Gunter has joined the RedYeti roster and is available for all types of work.

Says RedYeti co-owner Alex Lawson: “Getting Kim onboard is a very exciting step for us. He has fantastic experience with a wide range of clients, a detailed eye, great rapport with talent, crew and clients and complements our existing director roster nicely.”

Gunter has worked with many of New Zealand’s top brands in his time as a director, including Telecom, KFC, Progressive, Sony, Arnotts, The Warehouse and NZTA. He’s also a well-known face in the world of television with current project ‘Beyond the Darklands’ set to show later this year.

Recently completed, his new short film ‘As Above, so below’ traverses the last days of a reclusive choral singer as he searches for meaning in the music he loves. The film is about to be released into the festival circuit.

Says Gunter: “I’m very much looking forward to joining the team at RedYeti. They are an exciting mix of talent and have fostered a real atmosphere of creativity in a short period of time.”


“Kim brings experience, passion and is a great exponent of drama with a light touch.” says RedYeti co-owner, Karl Lear “In short he’s a very skilled, accomplished and trusted director that we look forward to seeing in action soon.”

To book Kim Gunter or discuss potential projects, please get in touch with RedYeti on 09 379 3200 or 021 566808.