MDS students use the NZ Herald’s classified ads to invite industry to AdSchool’s End of Year show

MDS students use the NZ Herald’s classified ads to invite industry to AdSchool’s End of Year show

A criticism occasionally levelled at Media Design School students is that they concentrate way too much on tech and not enough on the ‘traditional’. Taking that on board, Media Design School decided this year to invite every creative to AdSchool’s End of Year show not only in the newspaper, but also to put the invites in its most traditional section- the Classifieds.


Says Kate Humphries, programme director, MDS: “So, if you want to see your name in the newspaper, please feel free to pop out and buy a copy of The NZ Herald.

“But, knowing that you’re all probably tied to your desk or maybe can’t afford to buy a newspaper (recession and all that) we’ve also emailed all of you (arguably, now also traditional) with a copy of your own classified invite.

:A massive thank you for all their help and patience to NZME creative director Graham Dolan and Margaret Hawker, NZME head of commercial publishing and innovation (who’s title should, as Graham pointed out to us, really should be head of awesome).”

What: MDS AdSchool End of Year Show
6:00pm – 8.30pm
Thursday, November 17th
The upstairs bar at Talulah, 52 Tyler Street, Britomart