Stanley Street appoints Nathan Chambers to the role of head of design

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Stanley Street appoints Nathan Chambers to the role of head of design

Advertising agency Stanley St has announced the appointment of Nathan Chambers to lead its design team as head of design.


Chambers is an award-winning designer who thrives on the relationships with clients and is constantly looking for creative ways to drive business growth.

Says Chambers: “Success to me, is when our clients say ‘what Stanley St did transformed my business.’ That to me is creativity and effectiveness all in one.”

Chambers is no stranger to the Stanley St team. He’s had 15 years of experience working with them under their many guises in his 23 years working in advertising.

Says Chambers: “I love building relationships. And so for me it was a no brainer to rejoin Stanley St. There’s a bunch of very clever people and a great energy here.”

Stanley Street chief executive Siobhan Burke says having Chambers at Stanley St further enhances the wealth of experience and passion in the design and creative team: “Nathan’s passion for going the extra mile to give clients an edge is evident in his stunning work. And with this key appointment, Stanley St’s ambition to bring our clients best-in-class talent across all agency disciplines is another step closer.”

Chambers has won a number of local and international awards for typography, branding, interior design, packaging, exhibitions, product design, design craft. He’s also a sought after speaker on design and creativity and has judged at the Best Awards, Axis and Cannes.

Says Chambers: “What gets me out of bed, my belief, is to transform lives through creativity. This opens up a larger discussion between me, agency and client on what’s best to shift them to their highest gear and what could be a unique approach creatively to stick in the hearts and minds of people. I know that Stanley St gets this – and I love that!”