Fire and Emergency NZ raises awareness of Lithium-Ion battery fires in new ‘Warning Labels’ campaign via Motion Sickness and MBM

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Fire and Emergency NZ raises awareness of Lithium-Ion battery fires in new ‘Warning Labels’ campaign via Motion Sickness and MBM

Fire and Emergency New Zealand has released a new campaign via Motion Sickness to raise awareness of fires caused by everyday rechargeable items that are powered by Lithium-Ion batteries – a globally rising trend.


With this being a relatively unfamiliar danger for people and their familiar items, there needed to be a way to immediately establish danger. So Motion Sickness hijacked the simple and sterile nature of Warning Labels, a language universally understood. The campaign adopts the cold visuals of cigarette pack health warnings as well as their direct and jarring language. Shot in studio with pyrotechnics to simulate a Lithium-Ion fire, as real Lithium-Ion battery fires are too volatile and unpredictable.

With simple messaging focusing on behaviours around charging our everyday items, ‘Warning Labels’ looks to establish Lithium-Ion battery fire danger in a hard-to-miss and easy-to-get way.

Fire and Emergency NZ raises awareness of Lithium-Ion battery fires in new ‘Warning Labels’ campaign via Motion Sickness and MBM

Motion Sickness worked with Fire and Emergency and media partners MBM to promote the campaign across OOH, social video and radio channels, with contextual OOH around certain items. E-bike and E-Scooter warning messages will feature on digital e-charging station screens, and vape warning messages will feature in a special-build vape display.

Fire and Emergency NZ raises awareness of Lithium-Ion battery fires in new ‘Warning Labels’ campaign via Motion Sickness and MBM Fire and Emergency NZ raises awareness of Lithium-Ion battery fires in new ‘Warning Labels’ campaign via Motion Sickness and MBM

Radio for the campaign takes an alternative approach – adopting comically overt advertising and an ASMR style to set up the danger in everyday items.

‘Warning Labels’ is live throughout October and November.

Fire and Emergency NZ raises awareness of Lithium-Ion battery fires in new ‘Warning Labels’ campaign via Motion Sickness and MBM Fire and Emergency NZ raises awareness of Lithium-Ion battery fires in new ‘Warning Labels’ campaign via Motion Sickness and MBM

Client : Fire and Emergency New Zealand
Agency : Motion Sickness
Media Partner: MBM