DDB head of art Mike Davison goes solo


Mike DAVISON.jpgAfter six years as Head of Art at DDB New Zealand Mike Davison has announced he will be leaving Greys Ave to spend more time working on his career as an artist.

DDB Group executive creative director Toby Talbot says Davison’scontribution to the craft department has been immeasurable: “Mike D isa talented bastard. He has a midas touch when it comes to turning ahumble scamp into a work of art and he’s been a driving force in thecraft department over the years. We’ll miss him terribly but wish himwell.”

Davison’s work has been awarded extensively including the Axis Awards,Effies, Cannes, The One Show, The Work, Award and NAB. He has exhibitedin New York, Wellington and has had a number of shows in Auckland.  


Davison will be available for freelance art direction or craft work and can be reached at mike.crafty@gmail.com