Top guns Guy Roberts and Corey Chalmers exit TBWA\Whybin to join Droga5 start-up


Corey-chalmers-Guy-Roberts-web.jpgUPDATED: Auckland start-up agency Droga5 New Zealand has snared TBWA\Whybin\Tequila creative director Guy Roberts (left) and his creative partner Corey Chalmers (far left) to creative director roles working alongside creative partner, Mike O’Sullivan.

They will work across all accounts including the newly won ASB Bank business. TBWA lost the ASB business to D5 in June.

O’Sullivan (below left) told CB: “I’m delighted they’re ready to make the changeand join our ever expanding crew. They’ve done some of New Zealand’sbest work, including 2degrees and numerous adidas campaigns. Based inAuckland, they’ll work on local clients and projects for our offices inNew York and Sydney”.

NYC Droga 5 NZ shot.jpgNew York based David Droga (centre), creative chairman, Droga5 told CB: “I’m really excited to haveGuy and Corey join the Droga5 team. Their work, deep understanding ofclients’ business and long list of international awards makes them ahighly desirable team. I look forward to partnering with them.”

Say Roberts and Chalmers: “With twelve years at TBWA between us, wewere looking to take the next step, and when Droga5 calls, you don’tturn it down. Droga5 is clearly one of the top advertising brands inthe world, so to be asked is an honour. We want to test ourselvesalongside the best and that’s clearly what Mike, Duncan, Nobby andDavid are. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us. We alreadyfeel like we’re part of the Droga5 family, who’ve embraced us and madethe two of us – and our families – welcome.”

Meanwhile,TBWA\Whybin\Tequila has promoted digital specialist Ross Howard tocreative director of Tequila as part of a move to bring digital to thecentre of the agency’s offering.