Clemenger Group reports 8.3% gender pay gap, commits to public voluntary reporting

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Clemenger Group reports 8.3% gender pay gap, commits to public voluntary reporting

Clemenger Group NZ, a group of companies involved in advertising and marketing communications across Australia and New Zealand, is reporting its gender pay gap in Aotearoa New Zealand publicly for the first time today.


The current gender pay gap for Clemenger Group is 8.3 per cent, coming in under the 8.6 per cent national gender pay gap in Aotearoa New Zealand for 2023 reported by Statistics New Zealand, and under the 16.7 per cent gap reported by Strategic Pay in 2022.

This means that the median* male salary across all employees in Clemenger Group is 8.3 per cent higher than the median female salary.

Colenso BBDO, a creative agency within the Clemenger Group who joined forces with Mind The Gap earlier this year to bring renewed attention to gender pay gap reporting, has a pay gap in favour of women at negative 16 per cent.

Says Melissa Anderson, chief people officer, Clemenger Group NZ: “While there is still work to do, this is a strong result for the group.”

“The gender pay gap in Aotearoa New Zealand has not improved for more than a decade and it’s important that business leaders work on changing that. For us, it’s been the impetus for important conversations on how to improve and where we need to focus.

Clemenger Group started voluntarily reporting gender pay gaps over a year ago, with the data initially being presented to the operating company boards, progressing to internal teams and now publicly.

In August this year, the government announced its intention to introduce mandatory public gender pay gap reporting for companies with over 250 employees in a further step towards gender equality.

Says Strahan Wallis (pictured above), CEO, Clemenger Group NZ: “As a business leader it is incredibly challenging to face up to these issues; however, it is also a critical step forward and essential to start to create the change needed for a more equitable society. It may be uncomfortable and perhaps an inconvenient truth, but it is important. That’s why we have started publicly reporting – and we encourage others to start their journey.”

Clemenger Group NZ has also joined the Gender At Work community and has taken the Gender Pledge.

Clemenger Group Australia has for many years reported the gender pay gap through WGEA (Workplace Gender Equality Agency), which is a legal requirement for organisations with over 100 employees.

According to research conducted by MindTheGap, which analysed the impact of pay gap reporting internationally, simply introducing mandatory reporting could reduce gender pay gaps by 20 – 40 per cent.