AWARD School announces 2024 ambassadors

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AWARD School announces 2024 ambassadors

AWARD School has today announced its 2024 ambassadors – a group of top graduates who’ll guide and support candidates applying for next year’s course.

Eleven creative professionals will provide a unique perspective on what it takes to break into and excel at AWARD School.

They’ll also work with their peers to encourage a broader, more diverse range of applicants with interests in everything from creative problem-solving and cracking big ideas to storytelling, commercial creativity and entrepreneurship.

Says Sharon Edmondston, joint national/NSW school head and M&C Saatchi’s group creative director: “Our ambassadors provide an incredible amount of support to aspiring AWARD School students and 2024’s creative leaders will again give invaluable advice, tips and guidance for applying for and getting the most out of the 12-week program.

“We thank them for their time in helping to nurture the next wave of creative talent.”

AWARD School’s 2024 ambassadors:

Applications for AWARD School 2024 will officially open on 8 February 2024 and will close on 22 February, with the successful group of 200 students starting the intensive 12-week program on 18 March.

Register for AWARD School’s February 6 Information Night here.