Plato appoints Tim McConnell as head of digital; Hamish Grieve joins as head of creative

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Plato appoints Tim McConnell as head of digital; Hamish Grieve joins as head of creative

Hot on the heels of a recent rebrand announcement, and following two years of significant growth the South Island’s largest full-service agency Plato has announced two new senior hires, Tim McConnell (left) as head of digital and Hamish Grieve (right) as head of creative.


McConnell has been around since the very beginning — of the internet that is. He started out during the DotCom boom and has since worked in web, software, digital online and offline, operational systems, cyber security, and more. With a strong background in creative design thinking, Tim’s passion for improving user experiences sits at the crux between strategy, design and development.

Grieve has recently jumped back over the ditch after a 15 year stint in Sydney working at some of the region’s best agencies including NAKED, MullenLowe, BMF, Clemenger BBDO and Edelman as both a creative and creative director. His work has been recognised at all the major award shows, lectured at Adchool, served as national co-head of AWARD School, and sat on the executive committee of AWARD.

Says Nick Harvey, CEO, Plato: “Both Tim and Hamish bring a very experienced senior management level of oversight to their teams as part of Plato’s continued growth strategy. Their roles sharpen our focus on growing and mentoring our specialist teams to further develop the agency’s capabilities and capacity.”