Grab a rooftop drink with the Hecklers in Singapore tonight Wed, March 13 at 7:30pm

To celebrate all the Heckler hotshops being united under the one roof, Heckler Sydney, Heckler Singapore, and Heckler Sound are throwing an ad-world rooftop party in Singapore tonight, Wednesday, March 13th at 7.30pm.
Coinciding with Spikes Asia, the Hecklers are excited to host industry friends and clients to a night of creative connection and to welcome the cream of the adland crop who are in town to attend the advertising festival.
Over canapes and the festive sounds of local Singaporean DJ magnetic.mza, the party also celebrates the launch of two industry friends’ new books – Tay Guan Hin’s ‘Collide: Embracing Conflict to Boost Creativity’, and Merlee Cruz-Jayme’s ‘Ten Talks, Ten Cities: Global Advertising & Lessons from a Creative Icon’.
Says Charu Menon, managing director, Heckler Singapore: “It’s a rare treat to have all the Hecklers in the one location and I believe it’s Heckler Sound’s first trip to Singapore, so we decided what better way to welcome them!
“Our party is also a great excuse to catch up with industry friends, celebrate some amazing local authors’ new books, and see our much-loved colleagues who are in town to attend Spikes Asia. The festival always attracts some of the best creative minds in the APAC region and we love nothing more than getting everyone together for a good old fashion rooftop soiree!”
For Heckler party venue details and to RSVP please email: