The Work 2024 Contenders: VML New Zealand
Campaign Brief recognises and showcases the great work that is being produced in the region with The Work 2024 Contenders. Here is VML New Zealand’s Top Contender…
Yeastie Boys + I Am Hope Foundation: Blokequet
VML New Zealand
In a country where blokes struggle to open up about their feelings and suicide rates are high, it’s a sad fact that the first flowers most New Zealand men will receive is at their own funeral. To get men talking, we looked to where blokes do chat: over a beer.
“Catching up over a beer is an ingrained behaviour in New Zealand society and I want to get the message out there to as many men as possible. More than simply fundraising, I want to get men to talk, to share feelings, stresses, fears, vulnerabilities…so they are not isolated.” – Leading mental health advocate and I Am Hope Founder, Mike King
Enter the Blokequet from Yeastie Boys, a beer brewed with flowers so the first flowers men get is not at their funeral…but over a chat with a mate. Provocative but purposefully low-alcohol, every Blokequet is a call to action to ‘check they’re OK’, a donation to I Am Hope, and link to mental health resources. With sales 50% higher than any other Yeastie Boys launch, extraordinary for a low-alcohol beer, it’s now selling nationwide.
The deadline for Campaign Brief’s The Work 2024 is Friday May 3. Entries are FREE with only an acceptance fee charged for those that make the cut. See full details and enter here… If your company has entered The Work and would like to showcase your Top 3, email