All the best brands are sponsoring Dodgeball 2024: Sponsor your agency into branded kit and raise much needed funds for youth

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All the best brands are sponsoring Dodgeball 2024: Sponsor your agency into branded kit and raise much needed funds for youth

(Pictured above: Pitchblack Partners’ 2024 kit)

In the lead up to the second annual UnLtd: Dodgeball tournament, a number of Pitchblack Partners’ clients have generously sponsored the team to raise funds for UnLtd’s work supporting charities helping young people at risk.


Says Josh Moore, principal partner, Pitchblack Partners: “A thank you to all our clients for their generosity with a major shout out to Burger King, Oceania, Popeyes, Griffins, Gull and Sanitarium who have all generously sponsored our 2024 dodgeball team in this year’s Unltd Dodgeball competition raising an extra 5k for Unltd.

“Your donations are going straight to youth in need through Unltd.”

Here’s a taste of Pitchblack’s kit:

If you’ve got clients who will sponsor your team in exchange for some exposure on kit, get your kit printed fast by FONO at Talata.

Says Pitchblack: “Good luck and see you on game day.”

Contact details:

705 Rosebank Road, Avondale

All the best brands are sponsoring Dodgeball 2024: Sponsor your agency into branded kit and raise much needed funds for youth

(Pictured above: Last year’s kit)