Bestads Best of the Week Reviewed by Adam Bodfish, ECD, McCann Birmingham

Each week Bestads picks the very best advertising in the world, in every medium – which is reviewed by a top creative director or team to select their own personal favourites.
This week’s guest judge is Adam Bodfish, executive creative director, McCann Birmingham.
Winner: KIA Australia ‘Zombie Proof‘. “Urghhhhhhhhhhh.” It’s easy to assume this is my reaction to the vast majority of automotive advertising out there. However, in this instance, it’s actually my best celebratory zombie impression. I really enjoyed watching this spot. Not only as a self-proclaimed zombie apocalypse fan (sounds pretty morbid, I know) but also DIVISION and the Innocean team have killed it with the production value. Pun intended.
Runner-up: Slather SPF ‘The sun is not your friend‘. I love stuff like this. Kinda strange. Kinda dark. Kinda amazing to be honest. “So why didn’t it win, damn it?!” Well, I can’t believe I’m gonna say this. But I think it just went a bit too far. I thought the message of getting people outside to enjoy the sun safely was pretty spot on, weirdly funny, and based off a true human insight. But then it all went a bit Total Recall (the original). Continue reading Adam’s review on Bestads…